The 2023-2024 academic year is well underway here at Kelley, and our undergraduate and graduate Career Services teams have seen tremendous positivity. After three highly successful in-person Employer Networking Nights (mini career fairs) and two virtual career fairs with Kelley students, the team is not slowing down. On the graduate side, the MBA networking nights have drawn large crowds, and the virtual company information sessions and coffee chats have been increasingly popular across the various graduate programs.
Designed to facilitate meaningful conversations between industry professionals and Kelley talent, these events allow students from all class years to expand their professional networks through career-centric interactions. Employers have been thrilled with the turnout this fall, and attendance from both students and employers remains high. We saw over 1000 students and 65 employers at our first two undergraduate networking nights, and over 500 students participated in our focused accounting networking nights for undergraduate students earlier this fall. Our virtual career fairs saw 163 companies and over 2,900 students online across the two days. The two MBA networking nights drew 28 companies in to meet with both 1st and 2nd year students.
“Hiring continues to be strong for our Kelley undergraduate and graduate students, with masters programs typically following the same trends as undergraduate hiring. However, while hiring is a little lower in consulting and technology given the current market environment, we are seeing great growth in other industries. ” – Rebecca Cook, CFA, PCC, Executive Director, Kelley Career Services
We are seeing the increased demand from employers for our Kelley undergraduate and graduate students. Being able to host events with such a large variety of industries allows for an increase in the roles available to our students. We still have a lot of events going on, so if you are interested in hiring any of our talented graduate or undergraduate students, please contact our Career Services team at We look forward to designing the best plan to connect with the students you are looking for and coming up with creative ways to get their attention.